Commissioning Picture Requirements
Read through these instructions and take required photos
A photo must be presented for each installed device. A close detailed angle and a wide angle. Every meter and CT must be labeled.
Each photo must be clear, in focus and easily identifiable.
Labeling Requirements:
- Current transducers shall be labeled CT1, CT2, CT3
- Meter shall be labeled using a a lable maker (see details on installation guidelines) - with the meter's network address in decimal format - refer to Communications & Meter setup in drawings
- Electrical Gear shall be labeled with Meter TAG identified in the summary schedule in drawings
Gateways and shelf installed showing the following:
- Shelf assembly
- Switch Gateway
- Modbus Gateway (where applicable)
- BACnet Gateway (where applicable)
- Ethernet Switch (where applicable)
Metering Installation:
- All CT’s to be connected to PS-3037 on the floor with label identifying ampacity
- Standing back for full view of panel, meter installation, and CT installation
- Close up of the face of the installed meter showing address label (sharpie), rotary dials, network, CT, and voltage terminations
- Close up of any installed j-box containing splices showing connections
- Close up of voltage reference taps
- Panel schedule identifying meter (where applicable)
- Close up of each CT that clearly shows the label and the position of the CT in the panel relative to other CT’s and loads
- Standing back - Full view of electrical gear with all access panels in place
Model and Serial numbers:
- Switch Gateway- Showing MAC address, Model Number, Serial Number
- BACnet. Gateway- Model Number, Serial Number
- Modbus Gateway- Showing MAC address, Model Number, Serial Number
- PS3037 Meter(s) – Serial Number